Become Trainer

Passionate about teaching? Looking for a platform on which to share your knowledge, connect with professionals, and enrich careers?

You've come to the right place.

At VVRC, our constant endeavour is to create a network of world-class trainers and industry-experts who, in turn, create high-quality course-ware that resonates with professionals the world over, cutting across domains, especially Big Data and Analytics, Salesforce, Digital Marketing, and Programming. Come join us on our journey.

Who might want to consider becoming a trainer?

Becoming a trainer is a possibility for someone from any walk of life. You do not need to be a therapist or have other formal credentials. This is a human process open to any person. Focusing joins naturally with any kind of work in which you are attending to an ongoing process.

For example, it can fit seamlessly into your work if you help others move forward or find more ease, or your work is about finding the right expression for something.Even if you start out learning Focusing so that you can use it in your own work life, you may find as you begin to apply it that you have a growing desire to teach it to others.

What is the process of certification?

Focusing is a level of human process rather than simply a technique, and so it is the nature of the focusing process to respond to each situation freshly. For this reason, our certification processes allows for individualized learning. Your process of reaching the level of Certified Focusing Professional (Trainer) will arise out of your Certifying Coordinator's own expertise and Felt Sense of what is needed. We have Core Proficiencies that should be achieved during training, but we allow our Certifying Coordinators to design teaching around the specific needs of the learner. Some Certifying Coordinators have very set patterns of working with their students; others do not. What one teacher calls a "Level Two" course may be quite different from what another teacher called a "Level Two." As you are considering which Certifying Coordinator to work with, be sure you ask about their approach and ask them to describe how their approach might differ from other approaches. Consider talking to at least one other Certifying Coordinator to ask similar questions so that you will find someone whose style and expectations are aligned with your felt need.

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